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Xcalibur Smart Mapping delivers data for 2023 project to National Geological Survey of Mongolia 





Xcalibur Smart Mapping has successfully delivered a comprehensive set of geophysical data to the National Geological Survey of Mongolia for the 2023 project. The data, gathered from the Khanbogd project area in Omnogovi Province, includes advanced Helitem2 electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric surveys. This project marks a significant milestone in Xcalibur’s ongoing collaboration with Mongolia’s geological research efforts, demonstrating the company’s commitment to providing high-quality, detailed mapping solutions for critical raw materials exploration. The project’s primary objective was to map the location and extent of conductive lithologies associated with base metal mineralization, identifying high conductance targets from near surface to substantial depths. 

Andrés Blanco, CEO, has expressed his satisfaction with Xcalibur Smart Mapping’s contribution to the sustainable development of Mongolia’s natural resources. “We are thrilled to have successfully delivered comprehensive geophysical data for the 2023 Khanbogd project to the National Geological Survey of Mongolia,” he stated. He emphasized the importance of the detailed data and high-resolution imaging achieved with the Helitem2 system in providing innovative and effective tools for critical raw materials exploration. He concluded by expressing his anticipation for continued collaboration with Mongolia. 

Teo Hage, CEO of Xcalibur Smart Mapping Australia, added that “This project represents a significant achievement for our team. The data acquired from the Khanbogd project area is instrumental in identifying conductive lithologies associated with base metal mineralization, ensuring precise targeting of both deep and shallow structures; we are proud to support Mongolia’s exploration initiatives with reliable and detailed geophysical data.” 

Project highlights and technical details 

Survey Equipment: Xcalibur deployed its proprietary Helitem2 system, known for its deep imaging capabilities. Its 35m transmitter loop and concentric receiver ensures low noise, high signal and high resolution. The Helitem2 system works by sending out a powerful pulse of 560,000 Am2 and operates at a low base frequency of 6.25 Hz. This allows it to create detailed images of the underground structures across the entire survey area, reaching depths of over 600 meters depending on the conditions. Importantly, this technology can provide clear and precise images of both deep and shallow targets, ensuring that even the most subtle details are not missed. 

Data Types Acquired: The survey captured Helitem2 electromagnetic data, helicopter magnetic data, and helicopter radiometric data, providing a comprehensive geophysical profile of the survey area, from the very near surface to significant depths. 

Project Area: The survey covered the MMHI’s Khanbogd project area, as detailed in the attached KML file compatible with Google Earth. 

Xcalibur’s industry-leading quality assurance procedures and specialized PC-based processing software ensured the production of preliminary geophysical products during the survey. Our commitment to safety was upheld through a rigorous Safety Management System, with a comprehensive Project Safety Plan and ongoing safety meetings throughout the survey. 

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Xcalibur Smart Mapping’s IT Department wins award at Computing 2024 for Excellence in Cybersecurity Implementation

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In a significant achievement, Xcalibur Smart Mapping’s Information Technology Department has been honored with a prestigious award at the Computing 2024 Gala, an event that celebrates innovation and excellence in the information technology sector. Computing, a nationally recognized digital magazine renowned in the ICT world, presented the award, marking a milestone for Xcalibur in its cybersecurity journey.

The award recognizes Xcalibur’s comprehensive cybersecurity project, which spans three fundamental areas:

  1. Endpoint Security
  2. Cloud Services Security (Teams, Email, OneDrive, SharePoint)
  3. Employee Security Awareness Campaign

The project was executed globally, covering regions such as Australia, Kazakhstan, India, Africa, Congo, USA, Colombia, Brazil, and Canada. This extensive deployment ensures robust cybersecurity measures across all business units.

Key contributors and project highlights: team effort and individual contributions

The success of this project is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the entire IT team, both at headquarters and in various business units worldwide. Key contributors include Andrés López, José María González, Sebastián Rodríguez, Charl Ferreira, Doug Robinson and Paul Wright. Their collective efforts have been instrumental in achieving this recognition.

  • Project Background and Execution

The implementation, initially expected to take a year, was completed in less than six months. This rapid deployment was facilitated by the proactive and coordinated efforts of the team.

Results and Impact

The project yielded impressive results:

  • 99% reduction in spam
  • Continuous monitoring of information security
  • Real-time attack tracking with thousands of suspicious events detected
  • Rapid file recovery capabilities
  • Enhanced information security for users
  • Significant improvement in server security, preventing unauthorized access

Words of Gratitude

Andrés López, Head of IT, expressed his gratitude: ” representing Xcalibur Smart Mapping is an incredible honor. I am deeply grateful to be recognized in this way. I would also like to extend my most sincere thanks to Computing Spain, Hornet Security, and Kyocera for believing in our project and granting this award.”

López further acknowledged the unwavering support from the entire IT team and the Xcalibur family, whose confidence and collaboration were pivotal throughout the project.

“This project has been extraordinary, full of challenges and learning experiences. It has reinforced my passion for cybersecurity and my commitment to making the digital world a safer place. Receiving this award inspires me to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and strive for excellence in the field of cybersecurity. I look forward to the future and the exciting challenges and opportunities it offers,” López added.

A Night of Celebrating Technological Innovation

The Computing 2024 Gala, attended by over 400 industry leaders, highlighted the capability of Spanish organizations to innovate and overcome challenges. The event celebrated 20 projects, each demonstrating a high level of complexity and significance in their respective modernization processes.

Xcalibur Smart Mapping competed alongside major corporate entities such as Metro de Madrid, Caser, Telefonica, Ibercaja, UNED, the Ministry of Transport and Mobility, Banco Sabadell, Coca-Cola, Eulen, Asisa, and Repsol, showcasing the vibrant and dynamic nature of the Spanish tech industry.

Congratulations to the entire IT team for this well-deserved recognition and their outstanding contribution to Xcalibur’s cybersecurity advancements.


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Xcalibur Smart Mapping and Stanford University Initiate a pioneer AI and machine learning Project for the Energy Transition

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Xcalibur Smart Mapping, Stanford University in collaboration with Mineral-X, are launching a pioneering project to revolutionize the mapping of natural capital using cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning. This initiative addresses critical challenges in large-scale natural capital mapping and will play a key role in the global energy transition.

Both AI and machine learning algorithms will enable Xcalibur to offer its clients higher-value-added products for utilizing their natural resources, with a focus on efficiency, sustainability, and environmental respect.

The AI Lab that both research teams are developing aims to transform the mapping of natural capital on a global scale. This pioneering project will address key challenges of country mapping in integrating geophysical and borehole data, and in quantitively geological interpretation using advanced artificial intelligence techniques. Additionally, the lab will focus on automating the generation of labeled data and creating accurate economic models as part of the Smart Regional Interpretation Solution for the sustainable management of natural resources, thus supporting the global energy transition.

The project will tackle several major challenges, including integrating geophysical and borehole data into actionable formats like 3D geological and prospectivity maps at large scale, effectively capturing and using qualitative geological interpretations in machine learning applications, and Large Dataset Management with advanced software and computational infrastructure.

To address these challenges, this collaboration will develop Innovative Spatial Information Methods including Automated Spatial Domaining and Interactive Training Label Generation. We will further advance 3D Multiphysics Inversion and 3D Mineral Prospectivity Mapping and develop Economic Models for Natural Resources and Smart Regional Interpretation. All research developments will be transformed into Xcalibur Smart Mapping systems with Advanced Software and Infrastructures.

“This collaboration between Stanford and Xcalibur Smart Mapping not only represents a significant advancement in the Smart Country Mapping Solution.  The application of artificial intelligence in aerial geophysics also underscores our shared commitment to preserving and understanding our planet’s natural capital. Through the synergy of scientific knowledge and innovative technology, we are charting a path towards a future where the study of natural capital is not only more accurate, but also more sustainable, enabling us to protect and harness our resources more effectively for future generations” has stated Jorge Urios. Innovation Director at Xcalibur Smart Mapping.

Teo Hage, Head of Technology at Xcalibur Smart Mapping, commented: this collaboration with Stanford is, on one hand, a significant boost to our Smart Country Mapping solution; on the other, the combination of our new sensor technologies and machine learning solutions is charting the path towards a future where the surveying of natural capital, at scale, is quick and accurate  

“Mineral-X is delighted to contribute Xcalibur’s mission to map country-scale natural resources. In this project, we will collaborate to develop new technology based on 3D modeling, artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate and facilitate the expedient processing of geophysical data directly into a three-dimensional view of a country’s subsurface resources”, has added Jef Caers, Director and Professor at Mineral-X, Stanford University are the project leaders.

“We have established our own AI Lab to develop innovative services for our clients, and the agreement with Stanford will undoubtedly enhance our capabilities by leveraging cutting-edge research. This collaboration will enable us to offer higher value-added products for the optimal utilization of natural resources, focusing on efficiency, sustainability, and environmental stewardship”, expressed Andrés Blanco, CEO at Xcalibur Smart Mapping.


About Stanford University

Stanford was founded almost 150 years ago on a bedrock of societal purpose. Our mission is to contribute to the world by educating students for lives of leadership and contribution with integrity; advancing fundamental knowledge and cultivating creativity; and accelerating solutions and amplifying their impact.


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Xcalibur Smart Mapping, nuevo miembro Platinium de la Fundación Empresa & Clima

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  • Andrés Blanco, CEO de Xcalibur Smart Mapping, “al unirnos a la Fundación Empresa & Clima, nos sumamos a una comunidad de empresas líderes que comparten nuestros valores y objetivos en la lucha contra el cambio climático y a favor de una transición energética justa”.

Madrid, 10 de junio de 2024. Xcalibur Smart Mapping, líder global en la industria de la geofísica aérea y del mapeo, se ha incorporado como miembro Platinium a la Fundación Empresa & Clima, organización sin ánimo de lucro creada en 2008 que se ha convertido en un referente sostenible para las empresas nacionales e internacionales ante las necesidades originadas por el cambio climático.

La integración de Xcalibur Smart Mapping en la Fundación Empresa & Clima se enmarca en su propósito de impulsar la transición energética. Con una sólida experiencia y un historial de crecimiento exponencial, Xcalibur Smart Mapping ofrece una amplia gama de servicios y tecnologías avanzadas para la exploración y evaluación de recursos minerales, energéticos y medioambientales. Lo hace con una flota de más de cuarenta aeronaves equipadas con sistemas geofísicos, con la que cartografía países y terrenos para identificar las propiedades tanto subterráneas como superficiales, y descubrir áreas potenciales de recursos naturales, como minerales críticos, hidrógeno o geotermia.


Formar parte de esta categoría Platinium, creada en 2023 para empresas punteras y líderes de su sector que quieran ejercer un papel decisivo en la lucha contra el cambio climático, no solo convierte a Xcalibur Smart Mapping en partner de la Fundación; sino también, en beneficiario de exclusivas prestaciones y servicios.


Entre ellos, estar acreditado para asistir a las Negociaciones del Clima de Naciones Unidas (COP), a las que la Fundación Empresa & Clima acude cada año como Observer de Naciones Unidas, categoría de la que disfruta desde 2010, y que facilita un acceso restringido a las zonas de negociación.


En palabras de Andrés Blanco, CEO de Xcalibur Smart Mapping, esta alianza demuestra el compromiso de Xcalibur con la innovación, la sostenibilidad y la protección del medioambiente”.  Para Blanco, “al unirnos a la Fundación Empresa & Clima, nos sumamos a una comunidad de empresas líderes que comparten nuestros valores y objetivos en la lucha contra el cambio climático y a favor de una transición energética justa”.


En línea con nuestra visión de convertirnos en el socio de referencia para el mapeo del capital natural, esperamos colaborar estrechamente con FEC para promover prácticas empresariales sostenibles y contribuir al desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras que impulsen un futuro más verde y próspero”, ha aseverado el CEO de Xcalibur.

Para Elvira Carles, directora de la Fundación Empresa & Clima, la incorporación de Xcalibur Smart Mapping es undoble reto”. Por un lado, “como miembro Platinium, supone una mayor responsabilidad a la hora de acompañarlo en su estrategia climática”. Por otro lado, ha apuntado Carles, “su alto componente tecnológico y su alta especialidad permitirá aportar todavía más valor a la Fundación y será un conocimiento que compartirá con el resto de los miembros”.


Una visión de futuro llena de políticas ambientales innovadoras

Desde Xcalibur Smart Mapping, están fuertemente comprometidos a comprender y mitigar los impactos de sus operaciones, mejorando constantemente su desempeño medioambiental como parte integral de su estrategia empresarial. Este compromiso se refleja en el cumplimiento de todas las obligaciones legales y la adopción de las mejores prácticas del sector.


Para lograr una reducción efectiva de la huella ambiental, han realizado un minucioso cálculo inicial de sus emisiones de carbono en 2022. Esto incluye un estudio detallado de los alcances 1 y 2, así como una estimación del alcance 3 en todas sus operaciones a nivel global. Mediante este análisis anual, establecen un compromiso renovado de identificar áreas de mejora y buscar soluciones de vanguardia alineadas con la responsabilidad ambiental, en aras de desarrollar un plan de reducción real y accionable.


La visión para el futuro de la compañía incluye la implementación de políticas innovadoras de eficiencia energética y la colaboración estratégica con proveedores que estén en sintonía con su dedicación al medio ambiente.  Desde Xcalibur Smart Mappings son conscientes de que el logro de estas iniciativas radica en el compromiso y la participación de todos. Por consiguiente, dedican esfuerzos a inspirar y movilizar a su equipo, fomentando una mayor conciencia y motivación hacia sus objetivos comunes mediante formación en sostenibilidad y trabajo colaborativo en comités especializados.

Para más información

Relacionado con Xcalibur Smart Mapping por favor contactar a María Fernández, +34 666745049,


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The 15th International Energy & Mineral Resources Congress reinforces Xcalibur Multiphysics commitment to responsible exploration

Xcalibur 15th International Energy Mineral Resources Congress

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The sessions have focused on the most innovative mineral resource detection technologies, groundwater detection and monitoring or the efficiency of mineral resource search systems

Víctor González, CEO of Xcalibur Multiphysics Spain, expressed his satisfaction with the reinforcement of the company’s leading position in the sector.

The XV International Congress on Energy and Mineral Resources has concluded today after three days of intense presentations and discussions in which Xcalibur Multiphysics has played a leading role. Representatives of the company, Olides López and Manuel Guerra, have shared their experience and expertise in airborne geophysics and sustainable water management, consolidating the company’s position as a world leader in the application of cutting-edge technologies in the exploration of critical resources.

Impact of Xcalibur Multiphysics at the event: Victor Gonzalez, CEO of Xcalibur Multiphysics Spain, has shared his perspective on the company’s significant participation in the three-day event, stating, “The XV International Congress of Energy and Mineral Resources has been a unique opportunity to present Xcalibur’s leadership in the application of cutting-edge technologies in the exploration and sustainable management of critical resources. Our commitment to innovation and sustainability is reflected in every project we present, and this conference has reinforced our role as a reference in the sector”.

Xcalibur Multiphysics featured particpation: Exploration of Critical Minerals in the Ecological Transition Olides Lopez, in his presentation, “Airborne Geophysics: solutions for the exploration of critical minerals in the ecological transition”, has highlighted the state-of-the-art technologies employed by Xcalibur Multiphysics in the exploration and detection of critical minerals. He also discussed the company’s global leadership position in the development and use of these technologies, with special emphasis on the constant evolution of detection tools.

Sustainable wáter management and groundwater prospecting: Manuel Guerra addressed the subject in his lecture entitled “Towards a sustainable water management: aero-geophysics and remote sensing in groundwater prospection and quality”.

He has delved into the best technologies for the identification of groundwater reservoirs, basin management and groundwater contamination level assessment and monitoring. SEMACRET Project and sustainability in exploration On the other hand, Rodrigo del Potro, Business Development Manager at Xcalibur Multiphysics, participated in the session “Success stories of sustainable mining applied to innovation projects”, presenting the SEMACRET project developed through the Horizon Europe program.

Del Potro highlighted the importance of optimizing the exploration of critical mineral deposits in the European Union, minimizing environmental impact and maximizing results, with a strong social focus.

The pilot project covers locations in Portugal, Czech Republic, Finland and Poland, with Xcalibur’s Helitem system taking center stage, ensuring “efficient, complete and fast” mineral exploration. Xcalibur Multiphysics closes its participation in the congress by reaffirming its commitment to innovation, sustainability and advancing the exploration of critical mineral resources in the era of ecological transition.

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