
Xcalibur Multiphysics Group acquisition of a majority participation in the Indian company McPhar International Private Limited

Xcalibur Multiphysics Group acquisition of a majority participation in the Indian company McPhar International Private Limited

Xcalibur is pleased to announce the acquisition of a majority participation in McPhar

This acquisition represents Xcalibur’s entry into a strategic high growth potential market together with Oil Filed Instrumentation (India) Private Limited, a local partner, belonging to the industrial conglomerate The Neterwala Group.

Madrid, October 22nd, 2022. McPhar has headquarters in Mumbai (India). Today it is considered as a reference in the airborne geophysics survey market in India. McPhar is a leading service provider to the major geological agencies, as well as groundwater and geothermal public and private entities.

The company currently employs more than 20 highly qualified professionals and their state-of-the-art equipments and systems will allow them to execute current contracts in hand. Xcalibur, with 13 offices located in 5 continents, focuses on mapping of natural resources including minerals, oil & gas, water, and energy sources (geothermal and hydrogen). With proprietary geophysical technologies the company also has its own fleet of aircrafts, and a large team of expert professionals. This Spanish company flies over territories to measure physical properties of the subsoil.

The data is then processed, interpreted, and converted into valuable information on potential areas of natural resources for private companies, governments, and geological services. With active projects in Colombia, Brazil, Canada, USA, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Australia, Saudi Arabia, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of the Congo, Angola, South Africa, Tanzania, Botswana and Uganda, the Group’s purpose is to accelerate the energy transition, helping its clients to make more efficient and sustainable decisions to discover their growth potential.

Xcalibur also aims to contribute to the circular economy, the local communities, and the protection of biodiversity, focusing solely on high-interest areas of natural resources and developing social and cooperation projects in those regions through Xcalibur Foundation, the Group’s social arm. Xcalibur will introduce a wide range of technologies, technical know-how, commercial capabilities to the Indian market besides offering a large fleet of its own aircraft. Xcalibur-McPhar will jointly pursue opportunities in a potential market of about 2BnUSD over the next 10 years, investing together in the latest technology and systems and also with the aim to establish a permanent local fleet of aircrafts. Xcalibur counts on the support of COFIDES, Spanish institution that provides financing for international expansion of Spanish companies.

Neterwala Group Statement
Anosh Neterwala, Vice Chairman of the Neterwala Group, stated: This partnership adds tremendous capacity which will enable the group to offer a wide range of latest technologies and expertise for exploration of natural resources. We will utilize our India specific domain expertise of geophysical/geological exploration to help expand the business.

Xcalibur Multiphysics Statement
Andrés Blanco, CEO of Xcalibur Multiphysics Group, stated: This acquisition will allow Xcalibur to take a leading position in India, a strategic market with great growth potential in the search for natural resources and energy transition. Xcalibur will contribute its global leadership by making available all its assets and technologies to the combined company in order to offer a full range of services for natural resource mapping in India.

About Neterwala Group / Oil Field Instrumentation (India) Private Limited (OFI) The Neterwala Group is a professionally run; family owned & managed business enterprise with over six decades of steadfast growth. The group is technologically robust, with diverse manufacturing interests in Metallurgy, Oil Field Chemicals & Instrumentation, Engineering, Environment, and Information Technology. Continuous innovation, sustained by dedicated commitment of its employees, coupled with careful use of acquired technologies and International Joint Venture partnerships, has ensured that the group is a leader in almost all its fields of activity. The Neterwala Group’s CSR program is built around its value system and relies on the commitment of its stakeholders to adopt these values.

The Group is committed to advancing policies and systems across its companies to ensure that all aspects of its CSR program relevant to its businesses are addressed and monitored. These include good ethical behavior, concern for employee health and safety, care for the environment and community involvement. OFI is a leading, specialized high technology-oriented service company in India, engaged in providing advanced and cost-effective solutions to the Oil & Gas Industry (Offshore and Onshore) for over three decades. It is a leading Mud Logging Service provider in India with presence in the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. OFI has a wide range of propriety digital offerings and a strong focus on future opportunities in energy transition.

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CBPM and Xcalibur conduct innovative Aerogeophysical study

CBPM and Xcalibur conduct innovative Aerogeophysical study

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Electromagnetic method, using helicopter, maps new mineral opportunities in Bahia

The increase in the level of scientific knowledge, investor confidence and operational efficiency are causing a new growth cycle in mineral production in Bahia. Representatives of Xcalibur Multiphysics, a company specializing in geophysical and marine solutions, held, in recent weeks, the delivery and presentation of data obtained in the latest aerogeophysical survey conducted by CBPM (Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral), in the north of the state.

The analysis made in the first half of this year aims to obtain more detailed information about the mineral opportunities in Bahia with the application of the latest aerogeophysical technologies available in the market, as explained by the CEO of Lasa Prospeces, representative of Xcalibur in Brazil, Henrique Duarte.

The technology used is the electromagnetic method, in the time domain, by helicopter. It is a method developed by the company, in Canada, and the differential of this method is that it allows you to investigate mineral deposits at depths of up to 500 metres, depending on the occurrence.

The analysis was carried out in the first half of this year, with the application of the latest aerogeophysical technologies.

Also, during the presentation, the representatives of Xcalibur shared a little more of the challenges faced and also more information about the methodology and equipment used in this mapping. Henrique Duarte stressed that this is the most modern system on the market, which ensures more quality and accuracy in the images. It is the method available in the industry with the best signal quality, the best resolution, so CBPM is with data at the forefront of what we have today in electromagnetic aerogeophysical surveys, he stressed.

During the survey 1,178 square kilometers were covered, which corresponds to more than six thousand linear kilometers of aerogeophysical data. With the delivery of the results, the CBPM technical team starts the analysis of the data obtained as explained by the geologist and master in geophysics, responsible for the CBPM Geophysical Projects, Ives Garrido. The next step after the delivery of the final products, the CBPM technical staff will work these data to elect areas for exploratory drilling and for the discovery of new deposits.

The geologist reinforces that the areas surveyed by CBPM encompass regions with high and diversified mineral patrimony. As the State of Bahia is traditionally a miner, mining is a fundamental activity that forms the basis of important production chains in the State. The publication of the results of these aerogeophysical surveys provides the private sector with a large volume of reliable information that points to countless opportunities for the development of the sector, he analyzed.

Ives Garrido, responsible for the Geophysical Projects of CBPM Investments in Research

For the president of the Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral (CBPM), Antonio Carlos Tramm, besides Bahia already having a regional aerogeophysical coverage of high resolution, with this new work, it represents one of the best investments for the mineral development of the state. Without a doubt, the return of these surveys in the mineral sector will be translated into a modernization of the already existing data, resulting in more speed in the identification of new mineral opportunities.

In the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, according to data from the National Mining Agency (ANM), Bahia was one of the states that invested the most in mineral research. Adding up public and private investments, more than R$800 million was invested both during the research authorization phase and during the mining phase, which reflects the result that Bahian mining has been achieving in recent years. Over a decade, the amount was more than R$ 1.8 billion of investments in mineral research.

Tramm points out that although Bahia already has high resolution regional aerogeophysical coverage, this new work, in addition to applying more modern methods, obtains a very significant detail in the discovery of new mineralized areas. The results shall significantly increase the participation of the mineral sector in the economy of Bahia. Currently the state presents a significant number of requests for research, after the completion of each airborne carried out and made available by CBPM.

Over a decade, Bahia has had more than R$ 1.8 billion of investments in mineral research.

This high spatial resolution survey, combined with the evolution of current geological knowledge, represents one of the best investments for the mineral development of the state of Bahia. Without a doubt, the return from these surveys in the mineral sector will be translated by the significant increase in the number of research authorizations, he stresses.

Mineral Potential
The new cycle of aerial surveys was carried out in regions selected based on geological interest and in areas identified from the regional aerogeophysical surveys. Initially the Northern Bahia Metallogenic Province (PMNEB) was mapped, especially in the Campo

Representatives of Xcalibur shared challenges, methodology and equipment used in the mapping
Alegre de Lourdes region, as clarified by the technical director of CBPM, Rafael Avena. These surveys are the most modern of today and important for the discovery of new mineral deposits, as they collect several sets of data that will certainly serve as a subsidy for a new exploration program in the State of Bahia.

The project uses airborne electromagnetic systems in the time domain/magnetometry, in semi-detail/detail, installed in helicopters. The PMNEB is located in the extreme north of Bahia, in an area mainly under the influence of the marginal bands of Rio Preto and Riacho do Pontal, which are part of the northern border of the São Francisco Craton, holder of important mineral deposits, among them the large Fe-Ti-V deposit associated to the mafic-ultramafic Complex of Campo Alegre de Lourdes, the expressive deposit of phosphate rocks associated to the Carbonatite Complex of Angicos Dias and also the magmatic deposit of Ni-Cu sulfides denominated Caboclo dos Mangueiros.

The geologist and master in geophysics, responsible for the Geophysical Projects of CBPM, Ives Garrido adds that the interpretation of all this data will allow the selection and prioritization of new target areas for a program of exploratory drilling, whose results will allow the generation of other new research projects.

These studies are demonstrating the existence of various geophysical signatures translated by specific multiphysical features associated with those related to the mineral deposits already known, providing a better understanding of the recognized metallogenic potential of the region and the discovery of new mineral deposits, he concludes.
What is an aerogeophysical survey

Non-invasive and without any impact on the environment. Aerial surveys are methods that do not require drilling on the ground or any environmental licensing, precisely because all the information is collected in the air, making the study and research in mining more sustainable.

With the current more vigorous resumption of mineral exploration activity in Bahia, mainly for exploration of copper, nickel, gold, iron, aerogeophysics becomes essential because it allows the collection of multiple data simultaneously and also the coverage of extensive areas quickly and efficiently, explains the CEO of Lasa Prospeces, representative of Xcalibur in Brazil, Henrique Duarte. He also comments a little on how this process works and the application gains that this type of technological innovation is able to provide to the development of the mining sector in Bahia.

Read the interview.
Director-president of Lasa Prospeces, representative of Xcalibur in Brazil, Henrique Duarte, explains how this type of technology works and the gains that the process can bring to mineral exploration in Bahia

Henrique Duarte, President Director of Lasa Prospeces, representative of Xcalibur in Brazil
What are the mineral opportunities in Bahia with application of the most recent aerogeophysical technologies, available in the market?
Henrique Duarte: The aerogeophysical methods can be used for the most diverse applications, from mining projects, even engineering, geotechnical, groundwater, environment, passing for projects of O&G and regional geological mapping.

In the case of the State of Bahia, due to its large territorial extension, the technologies are important not only for large scale regional mapping, but also to assist in the detection or even confirmation of metallic mineral targets, either through the (indirect) detection of physical parameters expected for a certain mineral occurrence, or indirectly through the interpretation of indicative geological structures that may indicate favorability to the occurrence of another prospect.

How does this technology end up adding competitiveness to the mining sector? What is the investment in its application?

Henrique Duarte: The use of aerogeophysics becomes interesting for many companies that need to investigate extensive areas of the subsoil that cannot be covered only by terrestrial analysis, since this would take a long time to be done and usually there are access restrictions that prevent homogeneous coverage throughout the area, such as: absence of roads, flooded areas, dangerous or endemic areas, restriction of access by landowners, for example.

Another advantage of aerial surveys is the possibility of collecting multiple geophysical data simultaneously, allowing different physical parameters of the subsoil to be obtained, and thus optimizing the geological knowledge of the region of interest.

After the delivery of the data obtained in the last aerial geophysical survey conducted by CBPM (Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral), in the North of the state, what did the study point out? What challenges were faced during the analysis process?

Henrique Duarte: The geophysical data collected are of excellent quality and resolution, allowing imaging of the geology in the research area as never before seen in this northern portion of the state of Bahia. Several themes and products were generated from the collected and processed data, such as: rock conductivity, decay constant, conductor source map, magnetic field, and a series of products derived from these.

These products show several structures, lithologies, geological contacts and conductor bodies that cannot be observed on the surface, and that will be essential to optimize the exploratory program conducted by CBPM in the region.

Bahia is now the best studied state geologically in the country
President of CBPM, Antonio Carlos Tramm reinforces the importance of using technology in mining as a competitive advantage for the development of the sector in the state

Antonio Carlos Tramm, President of CBPM
Bahia is increasingly conquering a position of relevance in the mining sector. According to Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral (CBPM), in the first semester of 2022, the mineral production of the state registered an increase of 26%, while the Brazilian suffered a fall of 9%, in comparison with the same period of 2021.

According to the president of CBPM, Antonio Carlos Tramm, the numbers only reinforce the importance of investment in new generation technologies to identify promising areas of new mineral deposits and, consequently, the expansion of the sectors activity. Without a doubt, these numbers were only possible thanks to the research work developed by CBPM over the last 50 years and that was essential to guarantee Bahia the position of the best geologically studied state in the country, he comments. Read more in the complete interview.

How does the sector see the use of high technology in mapping favorable areas for mining?
Antonio Carlos Tramm: The use of state-of-the-art technology is part of the whole mining process. Be it in the extraction process or in the research, the new technologies are of great importance to potentiate the sector in a more sustainable way.

The Aerogeophysical Survey conducted by CBPM is one more of the tools used to map our Bahia and identify promising areas for new mineral deposits.

What is the importance of this tool for mineral research?
Antonio Carlos Tramm: With the data obtained in this study, our technical team will analyze the data with the surface information that we already have in the region and, from there, define where we should continue mineral research.

And about the Campo Alegre de Lourdes region, why was it chosen to start this stage and what did the results indicate?

Antonio Carlos Tramm: Bahia already has all its territory covered by Regional Aerogeophysical Surveys. However, even being already totally covered by the magnetometric and gamma spectrometric methods, the company started a new detailed mapping, with application of the most recent aerogeophysical technologies, available in the market. The extension area for this new survey was chosen based on the mineral potentiality of the region and on the preliminary studies carried out by our geologists, who indicated the great mineral potential of the region and CBPM areas.

What is still a bottleneck for the mining sector in Bahia to develop and what are the challenges to overcome them?

Antonio Carlos Tramm: Logistics is one of the main problems we face. Currently the transportation to the ports of most of the mineral production in Bahia is done by trucks. Transportation by truck is expensive, time consuming, wears out the roads and pollutes much more than if it were transported by train. The states rail network is practically non-existent. The Centro-Atlantic Railroad (FCA) administered by the VLI the company that has had the concession for the railway for more than 25 years has abandoned most of the stretches that cut through our state. And now, after spending almost two years trying to get an early renewal, it wants to return the stretches that do not interest it (which includes the stretches in our state) and pay compensation to the federal government for the stretches returned. This resource would be applied in the construction of two or three stretches.

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Xcalibur Multiphysics and MONTE announce a Partnership to Retrofit Aircraft to Zero Emission Propulsion

Xcalibur Multiphysics and MONTE announce a Partnership to Retrofit Aircraft to Zero Emission Propulsion

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Xcalibur and MONTE will join forces to provide a conversion of Xcalibur’s fleet of aircraft to electric, hybrid or hydrogen versions

Xcalibur Multiphysics is pleased to announce an exclusive partnership with MONTE Aircraft Leasing Limited an alternative asset-based management company focused on the leasing and financing of zero-emission aircraft and the retro-fitting of existing aircraft with electric, hybrid or hydrogen propulsion technologies. Xcalibur and MONTE will join forces to provide a conversion of Xcalibur’s fleet of aircraft to electric, hybrid or hydrogen versions.

The aircraft conversion will consist initially of, amongst other characteristics, the integration of an electric, hybrid or hydrogen propulsion system in the Cessna Grand Caravan 208B aircraft in Xcalibur’s fleet to convert them into low-emission aircraft. In future, other aircraft in Xcalibur’s fleet (Air Tractor AT502 & AT802 and Twin Otter) will be also considered for conversion.

Together, Xcalibur Multiphysics and MONTE will strive to identify the most suitable zero-emission propulsion technology for their operations. Once the technology is approved and certified, the appropriate conversions will take place.

MONTE is a clean technology business focused on retrofitting existing aircraft with zero emission propulsion systems and acquiring and financing new, zero emission aircraft as they are produced and certified for use.

Xcalibur Multiphysics is a world leader in Multiphysics. It owns more than 25 specialised aircraft with 85 geophysical systems and has executed over 1,000 projects globally. Throughout its 100 years of experience, and 13 office locations in all continents, Xcalibur plans to grow its aircraft fleet up to 40 aircraft within 2 years.

Xcalibur has acquired more than 50 million linear kilometers of collected data. The multinational Group continues to execute projects with safety, sustainability, technological innovation, operational excellence, and cost leadership at the center of its core values.Environmental Sustainability is a key component in Xcalibur’s ESG strategy, and this agreement is another great step in its path to become a reference player in the natural resources and energy transition map, while promoting the highest standards of Health, Safety and Environment protection and operates according to the world’s best HSE practices.

We are excited to announce our partnership with Xcalibur Multiphysics and to support the transition of their fleet to a more sustainable future. We believe the mission profile and route network of Xcalibur’s fleet to be well suited to zero emission propulsion technologies, and look forward to working with the entire Xcalibur team on this exciting and necessary transition.

This partnership is another important step in our journey to become one of the world’s first zero-emission aircraft lessors, as we look to finance zero emission solutions for turboprop operators around the world. Timothy Eyre, Investment Director, MONTE Aircraft Leasing Limited. We are delighted to cooperate with MONTE in this necessary journey towards ZERO emissions plan.

Today more than ever we must actively participate in this energy transition process where Xcalibur wants to be a key player from its leadership position in the airborne Multiphysics market. With this partnership cooperation and development agreement with MONTE, Xcalibur shows again its commitment to The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and beyond.Joaquin Lopez, Strategy & Corporate Development Manager, Xcalibur Multiphysics.

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The Democratic Republic of Congo launch the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks

The Democratic Republic of Congo launch the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks

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Blocks will be offered in 5 basins; Cuvette Central, Coastal Basin, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Kivu and the Albertine Graben

Xcalibur Multiphysics and the Democratic Republic of Congo, under the high patronage of the Head of State, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, the Minister of Hydrocarbons is launching the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks. Blocks will be offered in 5 basins; Cuvette Central, Coastal Basin, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Kivu and the Albertine Graben.

The Bid Round will Launch on 28th July 2022 in Kinshasa and will be promoted at international oil and gas conferences throughout 2022 and 2023. Interested parties are requested to send Expressions of by 31st January 2023.

Only registered, pre-qualified companies will be able to bid. A dedicated web site will be launched on July 28th. The Bid Round is supported by Xcalibur Multiphysics.

To participate to the event or to express interest in the Bid Round please write to:

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Xcalibur Multiphysics completes three MAG/RAD blocks in Colombia


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The survey campaign was carried out between February 2020 and December 2021, where acquired 85.269 linear kilometers of magnetometry and gamma ray spectrometry (SL: 500 m TL: 5.000 m)

Xcalibur Multiphysics, is pleased to report the final delivery of the results of the contract No. 864/2019 signed between the COLOMBIAN GEOLOGICAL SERVICE “ SGC and Xcalibur Multiphysics Colombia, in order to perform the AEROTRANSPORTED GEOPHYSICAL DATA SURVEY OF MAGNETOMETRY AND GAMMA SPECTROMETRY IN AREAS OF INTEREST OF THE COLOMBIAN TERRITORY: NARIÃ, MACIZO AND QUETAME BLOCK, the Narià block of 16.000 km2, Macizo of 10.116 km2, and the Quetame block of 12.476 km2, located in the Andean region of the Colombian territory.

The survey campaign was carried out between February 2020 and December 2021, where acquired 85.269 linear kilometers of magnetometry and gamma ray spectrometry (SL: 500 m TL: 5.000 m), which were executed following the procedures and standards set by the SGC for calibration, data acquisition, processing and delivery of final products, including among others, Databases, Flight Line Path maps, Digital Terrain Model, Total Magnetic Field Anomaly, First Vertical Derivative, Analytical Signal, Magnetic Pole Reduction, Uranium, Potassium, Thorium concentrations, Gamma Ray Spectrometry Ternary Map, all mounted on a Geographic Information System.

The experience of the work team in areas of high mountain terrain with extreme relief, volcanic peaks and deep valleys allowed providing relevant information for the identification of natural hazards of geological origin, geological mapping, tectonic evolution and investigation of mineral resources, complying with the technical specifications of the Colombian governing and institutional authorities.

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Xcalibur Foundation launches the first Social Sports Academy in Uganda in collaboration with Real Madrid Foundation and MTN Uganda

Xcalibur Foundation launches the first Social Sports Academy in Uganda in collaboration with Real Madrid Foundation and MTN Uganda

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Xcalibur Foundation brings to Uganda Real Madrid Foundation’s unique and pioneer education in values methodology: For a Real Education: Values and Sport

The aim of this extracurricular programme is to encourage school commitment, empower gender equality, address social inclusion, develop key personal and social values, and promote healthy habits, through sport practice and football training.It is Xcalibur Foundation’s first project in Uganda, and first project worldwide. Together with MTN Uganda, they intend to expand to other areas in 2023-2024.

The project counts on the support and endorsement of the Ministry of Education and Sports of Uganda. Wednesday 29th June 2022 Kampala, Uganda: Xcalibur Foundation, in collaboration with MTN Uganda, has today launched the MTN Naguru Social Sports Academy at Naguru Katali Primary School, in the middle of the Naguru settlement of Kampala.

The project targets an initial group of 160 beneficiaries, 50% girls and 50% boys aged 5-16, in vulnerable situations. The goal of the program is to develop key personal and social values that encourage strong emotional, mental, and physical development of the participants, their families, friends, tutors, and communities.

The project, in collaboration with Real Madrid Foundation as Xcalibur Foundation’s strategic partner in Uganda, will be operated by the local NGO Youth Sport Uganda (YSU). The project has been endorsed by the Ugandan government and materialized through a collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Sports.

School teachers and community facilitators have been trained under Real Madrid Foundation’s unique and pioneer education in values methodology: for a Real Education: Values and Sport, to run sport and social activities with children and youth.

These activities will enhance the life skills of children and youth, and address issues of wellbeing, child protection, conflict management, gender equality, disability, and inclusion as well as positive child and youth development. As stated by Real Madrid Foundation’s philosophy, these objectives are focused solely on education and social cooperation, differing to those of Real Madrid Football Club.

It is worth highlighting the role of MTN Uganda within this partnership. Since the beginning of this journey, the telecommunications company has shown endless support, reflecting true passion, solidarity, and commitment towards Xcalibur Foundation’s undertaking to impart lifelong education amongst vulnerable children and youth. Their enthusiasm to become active players of this project is critical to its positive outcomes and sustainability over time.

Xcalibur Foundation is grateful to MTN for the institution’s support and that of its employees and executives, in realizing this project, said Javier Lezcano, Executive Director of Xcalibur Foundation.

As part of the 2022-2023 calendar, the project will carry out volunteering programs, internal and external events, and other social responsibility initiatives involving at MTN Uganda employees.

Speaking at the launch in Naguru, MTN Uganda’s CEO, Wim Vanhelleputte said, This is a unique project that fits with the values of our organization. We are privileged to be able to contribute to the social wellbeing and personal development of vulnerable children and youth.

Supporting an educational cause which uses sport as a tool for development is aligned with our values, goals, and objectives, first as an organization and us the people who work for this company. We hope this partnership with Xcalibur Foundation and Real Madrid Foundation is only the beginning of an exciting journey together.

For his part, Javier Lezcano, Executive Director of Xcalibur Foundation, noted the early involvement and commitment of MTN Uganda in this project, highlighting the openness and humanity of the entire team: From the time we set foot at MTN Uganda offices, we felt understood and supported, both my Wim (the Chief Executive Officer) and by the entire team.

We are forever grateful for this partnership and will keep giving our 150% to keep this programme growing.

To find out more about Xcalibur Foundation’s programmes, follow them on: Linkedin: Facebook, YouTube,

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