Stakeholders Clientèle Xcalibur Smart Mapping possède de nombreuses références dans tous les segments de clientèle. Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /app/wp-content/themes/xcalibur/blocks/IntroESG/index.php on line 41 CLIENTÈLE ASSOCIATIONS & COLLABORATIONS FINANCEMENT DE PROJET UNIVERSITÉS ET CENTRE D’ÉTUDES GOUVERNEMENTS ET INSTITUTS DE RECHERCHE GÉOLOGIQUE L’EXPLOITATION MINIÈRE ÉNERGIES ALTERNATIVES SISMIQUE & GÉOSCIENCES CPRM – Geological Survey of Brazil IIGE – Instituto Geológico y energético de Ecuador MEMD – Ministry of mines and steel development of Uganda IGME – Instituto Geológico y Minero de España SGNC – Service Géologique National du Congo USGS Science for a changing world Commission Géologique du Canada Government of Kazakhstan Australian Government Geoscience Australia Ministry of Mines Mining Registry (CAM) of Democratic Republic of the Congo BUMIGEB – Bureau des Mines et de la Geologie du Burkina Government of Angola GTK – Geological Survey of Finland IDAE – Instituto para la diversificacion y ahorro de energia MTA Maden Tetkik ve arama Genel Müdürlüğü Natural Resources Canada GSI – Geological Survey of India BGI – Botswana Geoscience Institute Ministry of Solid Minerals Development of Nigeria Department of Natural Resources Geological & Geophysical Surveys , Alaska, US Geological Survey of Victoria Servicio Geológico Colombiano Government of Mongolia NGSA – Nigerian Geological Survey Agency Government of Zambia BRGM | French Geological Survey Government of Western Australia – Department of Water SMDF – Solid Minerals Development Fund JOGMEC – Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security SNPC – La Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo MMHI – Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry IVANHOE Mines De Beers Group VALE minerals, Brasil First Quantum Minerals Middle Island Resources Limited KINETIKO Energy LTD Teranga Gold Corporation AngloAmerican BOLIDEN AngloGold Ashanti CATOCA BenzuMinerals MMG HPX – High Power Exploration SAMA Vedanta Petra Diamonds ALROSA ALMINA KoBold Metals BlueJay CITIC Group BHP New Found Gold Corp. Newmont Glencore AGNICO EAGLE BARRICK GOLD MA’ADEN OSISKO Bassari Resources ALBEMARLE Kingsrose Mining Sandfire MATSA Atalaya Mining KOLOMA Exolum Enagas GoldHydrogen Hyterra Geologica Geothermal Group, Nevada, US Red Eléctrica BGP INC., China National Petroleum Corporation TGS Searcher Seismic CGG PXGEO Seabed Western Geco Fugro PGS Sharewater SeaBird Exploration Cámara de Comercio Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE) Confederación Empresarial de Madrid (CEIM) AMINER – La Asociación de Empresas Investigadoras, Extractoras, Transformadoras Minero-Metalúrgicas, Auxiliares y de Servicios Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofísicos de la Energía (ACGGP) Asociación Geotérmica Colombiana – AGEOCOL Fundación Empresa y Clima (FEC) European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) Confederación Nacional de Empresarios de la Minería y de la Metalurgia (CONFEDEM) European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Confederación Nacional de Empresarios de la Minería y de la Metalurgia (CONFEDEM) The World Bank SMDF Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa (MINECO) Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación (CESCE) Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Horizon Europe Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrail (CDTI) Miralta Bank Flexam Invest University of Western Australia Curtin University of technology (Perth, WA) Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Mineral-X Program Edith Cowan University Engineering Department (Perth, WA) University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa) Trailblazer Universities Program, Australia Contactez-nous. REMPLISSEZ LE FORMULAIRE