
Xcalibur Multiphysics completes three MAG/RAD blocks in Colombia


The survey campaign was carried out between February 2020 and December 2021, where acquired 85.269 linear kilometers of magnetometry and gamma ray spectrometry (SL: 500 m TL: 5.000 m)

Xcalibur Multiphysics, is pleased to report the final delivery of the results of the contract No. 864/2019 signed between the COLOMBIAN GEOLOGICAL SERVICE “ SGC and Xcalibur Multiphysics Colombia, in order to perform the AEROTRANSPORTED GEOPHYSICAL DATA SURVEY OF MAGNETOMETRY AND GAMMA SPECTROMETRY IN AREAS OF INTEREST OF THE COLOMBIAN TERRITORY: NARIÃ, MACIZO AND QUETAME BLOCK, the Narià block of 16.000 km2, Macizo of 10.116 km2, and the Quetame block of 12.476 km2, located in the Andean region of the Colombian territory.

The survey campaign was carried out between February 2020 and December 2021, where acquired 85.269 linear kilometers of magnetometry and gamma ray spectrometry (SL: 500 m TL: 5.000 m), which were executed following the procedures and standards set by the SGC for calibration, data acquisition, processing and delivery of final products, including among others, Databases, Flight Line Path maps, Digital Terrain Model, Total Magnetic Field Anomaly, First Vertical Derivative, Analytical Signal, Magnetic Pole Reduction, Uranium, Potassium, Thorium concentrations, Gamma Ray Spectrometry Ternary Map, all mounted on a Geographic Information System.

The experience of the work team in areas of high mountain terrain with extreme relief, volcanic peaks and deep valleys allowed providing relevant information for the identification of natural hazards of geological origin, geological mapping, tectonic evolution and investigation of mineral resources, complying with the technical specifications of the Colombian governing and institutional authorities.

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Xcalibur to execute regional geographic airborne survey in Colombia

Xcalibur to execute regional geographic airborne survey in Colombia

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Xcalibur to execute regional geographic airborne survey in Colombia

Xcalibur Group will be excecuting a regional geographic airborne survey in Colombia using Magnetometry and Radiometry in two blocks, Macizo and NARIÃ in the Andean region totalling more than 57.000 kilometers. The project, signed on August 2019, is going to be excecuted during 2020, starting on January.

Xcalibur’s equipment ready on site.

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