
The Democratic Republic of Congo launch the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks

The Democratic Republic of Congo launch the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks

Blocks will be offered in 5 basins; Cuvette Central, Coastal Basin, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Kivu and the Albertine Graben

Xcalibur Multiphysics and the Democratic Republic of Congo, under the high patronage of the Head of State, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, the Minister of Hydrocarbons is launching the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks. Blocks will be offered in 5 basins; Cuvette Central, Coastal Basin, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Kivu and the Albertine Graben.

The Bid Round will Launch on 28th July 2022 in Kinshasa and will be promoted at international oil and gas conferences throughout 2022 and 2023. Interested parties are requested to send Expressions of by 31st January 2023.

Only registered, pre-qualified companies will be able to bid. A dedicated web site will be launched on July 28th. The Bid Round is supported by Xcalibur Multiphysics.

To participate to the event or to express interest in the Bid Round please write to:

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Xcalibur Multiphysics signs a contract with the Ministry of Mines for the aerogeophysical and geological mapping of The Democratic Republic of Congo

Xcalibur Multiphysics signs a contract with the Ministry of Mines for the aerogeophysical and geological mapping of The Democratic Republic of Congo

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The Minister of Mines of the DRC, Antoinette NSamba Kalambayi, together with Andrés Blanco, CEO of Xcalibur Multiphysics

Last Tuesday, April 5th, Xcalibur Multiphysics completed the signing of the contract for the geophysical and geological Mapping of the DRC.

In representation of the Minister of Mines, Mrs. Antoinette NSamba Kalambayi, the Spanish Ambassador to the DRC, Mr. Carlos Robles Fraga, and several officials of the specialized services and the Mining Administration attended the event where Xcalibur Multiphysics completed the signing of the contract.

According to the Minister, this contract represents the fulfillment of an important part of the DRC government’s action program, as it will make a significant change in the financing of the country’s infrastructures and economic sectors and will facilitate the protection and sustainable management as well as the revaluation of mining assets.

For the DRC, this ambitious research will allow to plan and enhance the development of the mining industry and the country’s entire economy.

At once, the Director General of the National Geological Survey of Congo, Prof. Donat Kampata, recalled the history of the creation of his service in response to the needs of the mining sector, and presented the advantages of this contract for both the Ministry of Mines and the geological survey. With this project, the Government will be able to plan the development of the mining industry and negotiate with investors.

Mr. Andrés Blanco, CEO of Xcalibur Multiphysics, a world leader in airborne and marine geophysics, highlighted the true significance of this project. It will allow the country to discover and develop the great potential of its natural resources using the best available technology for obtaining accurate data, so as to attract international investors in the best conditions and develop the mining industry in a truly sustainable way.

With this project, Xcalibur adds another landmark in its successful history, with more than 50 million linear kilometers of data obtained and processed, continuing with the execution of natural resource mapping projects with safety, sustainability, technological innovation, operational excellence and cost efficiency at the heart of its core values.

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